100 Important One-Word Substitutions for Competitive Exams

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One-Word Substitutions are an important part of competitive exams like SSC, Banking, Railways, and other government exams. These One-Word Substitutions will improve your vocabulary and understanding of English words. Instead of using a long phrase, a single word is used to express the same meaning.

For example, instead of saying “a person who loves books”, you can simply use the word “Bibliophile”. Learning these words helps in improving communication skills, writing skills, and scoring well in exams.

In this blog article, we have listed 100 frequently asked One-Word Substitutions with their meanings. These words are commonly found in exam papers, English comprehension tests, and general knowledge sections. By memorizing them, you can increase your vocabulary, save time in exams, and improve your overall English fluency.

One-Word Substitutions for People

1.AgnosticOne who is unsure about God’s existence.
2.AltruistOne who is selfless and helps others.
3.AmbidextrousA person who can use both hands equally well.
4.AutocratA ruler with absolute power.
5.BibliophileA person who loves books.
6.BigotA person intolerant toward different opinions.
7.CannibalOne who eats human flesh.
8.CynicOne who doubts human sincerity.
9.EgoistA self-centered person.
10.EmigrantOne who leaves one’s country to settle in another.
11.EpicureA lover of fine food.
12.FatalistOne who believes in destiny.
13.GluttonA person who eats excessively.
14.IconoclastOne who attacks traditional beliefs.
15.MisanthropeOne who hates mankind.
16.MisogamistOne who hates marriage.
17.MisogynistOne who hates women.
18.OmnivorousOne who eats all kinds of food.
19.OptimistOne who always sees the bright side.
20.PessimistOne who always sees the negative side.

One-Word Substitutions for Actions

21.AbductTo take someone away illegally.
22.AmputateTo cut off a limb.
23.ConfiscateTo seize by authority.
24.ExtortTo obtain by force or threats.
25.ExonerateTo free from blame.
26.FabricateTo invent a false story.
27.MeditateTo think deeply.
28.PlagiarizeTo copy another’s work illegally.
29.ProcrastinateTo delay unnecessarily.
30.RehabilitateTo restore to normal life.

One-Word Substitutions for Government & Administration

31.AnarchyAbsence of government.
32.AutocracyGovernment by one person.
33.BureaucracyGovernment by officials.
34.DemocracyGovernment by the people.
35.MonarchyGovernment by a king/queen.
36.OligarchyGovernment by a small group.
37.PlutocracyGovernment by the rich.
38.TheocracyGovernment by religious leaders.
39.TotalitarianA government that controls everything.
40.RepublicA state where the people elect leaders.

One-Word Substitutions for Places

41.AsylumA place for the mentally ill.
42.CemeteryA place for burying the dead.
43.ConventA residence for nuns.
44.DormitoryA shared sleeping room for students.
45.OrphanageA home for parentless children.
46.SanatoriumA place for medical treatment.
47.RefugeA shelter from danger.
48.VaultA place to store valuables.
49.MenagerieA place where animals are kept.
50.ArsenalA place where weapons are stored.

One-Word Substitutions for Science & Nature

51.AquaticLiving in water.
52.AstronomyStudy of celestial bodies.
53.BotanyStudy of plants.
54.CardiologyStudy of the heart.
55.EntomologyStudy of insects.
56.GeologyStudy of the earth.
57.MeteorologyStudy of weather.
58.OrnithologyStudy of birds.
59.PaleontologyStudy of fossils.
60.ZoologyStudy of animals.

One-Word Substitutions for Speech & Writing

71.AllegoryA story with a hidden meaning.
72.AutobiographyA person’s life story written by themselves.
73.BiographyThe story of someone’s life written by another.
74.EpilogueA concluding part of a book.
75.EulogySpeech in praise of someone.
76.ManuscriptA handwritten document.
77.MonologueA long speech by one person.
78.ParodyA humorous imitation.
79.PrologueIntroduction to a book.
80.SonnetA 14-line poem.

One-Word Substitutions for Miscellaneous Concepts

81.AnonymousWithout a name.
82.AristocracyA privileged ruling class.
83.BelligerentHostile and aggressive.
84.BilateralHaving two sides.
85.CompulsoryRequired by law or rule.
86.DebacleA complete failure.
87.DilemmaA situation with difficult choices.
88.EccentricUnconventional or strange.
89.IndelibleSomething that cannot be erased.
90.InevitableCertain to happen.
91.JuxtaposeTo place side by side for comparison.
92.MeticulousVery careful and precise.
93.NomadA person who moves from place to place.
94.NonchalantCool and unconcerned.
95.ObsoleteNo longer in use.
96.PacifistA person who opposes war.
97.PerennialLasting for a long time.
98.ReluctantUnwilling to do something.
99.UnanimousIn complete agreement.
100.VulnerableOpen to harm or attack.

Previous Post : Advanced Organizer Model : 25 One-liners

Girdhari Lal

Girdhari Lal , एक dedicated अंग्रेजी विषय के वरिष्ठ अध्यापक और gyankundli.com के संस्थापक हैं। 1.5 वर्षों के ब्लॉगिंग अनुभव के साथ, वे अंग्रेजी व्याकरण, साहित्य, भाषा और शिक्षा से जुड़ी अद्भुत जानकारी अपने ब्लॉग पर publish करते हैं। उनके ब्लॉग पर English Grammar, Literature और शैक्षिक अपडेट मिलती रहती हैं।

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