Literary Forms Sonnet Quiz : 20 MCQs

Literary Forms Sonnet Quiz : 20 MCQs

Literary Forms Sonnet Quiz : What is a sonnet? – It is a 14-line poem that follows a specific rhyme scheme and meter, usually iambic pentameter. Originating from the Italian word “sonetto,” meaning ” a little sound or a song,” the sonnet became popular in 13th-century Italy and was later popularized in English literature …

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RPSC 1st Grade English Books : स्कूल व्याख्याता अंग्रेजी के लिए ये Best पुस्तकें पढ़िए

RPSC 1st Grade English Books Lists

दोस्तों आज हम आपकी RPSC 1st Grade English Books से संबंधित सारी शंकाओं का समाधान करने वाले हैं । इस पोस्ट में हम आपको बताएंगे कि कौन से टॉपिक के लिए कौन सी बुक पढ़नी है और कौन से पब्लिकेशन की पढ़नी है आप इन पुस्तकों को समग्र अध्ययन करके अपनी तैयारी को बेहतर …

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Literary Forms Elegy Quiz : 20 MCQs

Literary Forms Elegy Quiz : 20 MCQs

Literary Forms Elegy Quiz : Elegy definition – According to Merriam Webster dictionary ‘an elegy is a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead’. It is a reflective and melancholic poetic form that laments the loss of someone or something significant, often having themes of mortality, grief, and …

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Literary Forms Ballad Quiz : 20 MCQs

Literary Forms Ballad Quiz

Literary Forms Ballad Quiz : According to Merriam Webster Dictionary ‘Ballad is a narrative composition in rhythmic verse suitable for singing’. It is a popular narrative song that tells a story and is passed down by word of mouth or orally. In English tradition, these songs usually have a special pattern with rhymes (abcb) …

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Quiz on Literary Forms Gothic Literature : 20 MCQs

Quiz on Literary Forms Gothic Literature : 20 MCQs

Quiz on Literary Forms Gothic Literature : Gothic Literature is a kind of writing or a genre that uses dark and picturesque scenery or elements to create an overall atmosphere of fear, mystery, horror, death, gloom, terror etc. Some Noteable Examples of Gothic Literature Writer’s Name Name of Literary Work Year Horace Walpole The …

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The Dance of the Eunuchs Quiz Part -1 : 20 MCQs on Kamala Das’s Iconic Poem

The Dance of the Eunuchs Quiz Part 1

Today’s post is on The Dance of the Eunuchs Quiz Part -1. We are here with 20 multiple choice question covering the poem. The Dance of the Eunuchs is a famous poem of Kamala Das. The main theme of the poem deals with unfulfilled love or desires. The poem represents the supressed desires of the …

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Go and Catch a Falling Star : 20 MCQs Quiz

go and catch a falling star quiz

Are you guys ready to test your understanding of John Donne‘s classic poem Go and Catch a Falling Star? The poem is known for its rich metaphysical imagery, intellectual complexity, and sharp wit, and it continues to captivate readers and students alike. In this post, we present a 20-question multiple-choice quiz designed to deepen …

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Daffodils by William Wordsworth : 30 MCQs Quiz

daffodils by william wordsworth

Quiz on Daffodils by William Wordsworth: William Wordsworth’s ”Daffodils” also known as”I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” is a nature poem and a masterpiece of Romanticism. In this blog article, we have crafted a quiz of 30 multiple choice questions covering important details of the poem, poet and literary era. Get ready to test …

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