Class 10 English Story Writing : 10 Important Short Stories with Moral

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Class 10 English Story Writing Introduction

  In the board exam, in question number 4 students will have to write a story based on the given outline. As per the instructions they will have to give proper title for the story and moral after end of the story. This question carries 4 marks. In this blog post, we have written 10 important stories in simple language for RBSE CLASS 10 ENGLISH. Students should remember these stories well so that they can score maximum marks in the examination. The stories covered in the article are : Two Friends and a Bear, A Lion and a Mouse, A Farmer and a Snake, A Bee and a Dove, Union is Strength, The Elephant and the Tailor, Bad Company, The Shepherd Boy Who Lied, The Hen That Laid golden Eggs, Two Cats and a Monkey.

Two Friends and A Bear

Once there were two friends. One day they were walking through a forest. Suddenly, they saw a  bear coming toward them. One of the friends at once climbed up a nearby tree. But the other friend did not know how to climb. So using his common sense, he lay down on the ground and stopped breathing, pretending to be a dead man. The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place as the bears do not touch the dead creatures. Now the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend lying on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears? The other friend replied, “The bear advised me not to believe a false friend.”

Moral: A friend in need, is a friend indeed.

A Lion and A Mouse

Once a lion was sleeping in a forest under a tree. Suddenly a mouse came there and began to move up and down on lion’s body. The lion woke up from his sleep. he grew angry and caught the mouse to kill it. The mouse begged for his life and said, “Please spare my life. I will help you some day.” The lion set the mouse free. Some days later the lion was caught in a net. he began to roar. The mouse heard his roar and came there. He saw the lion caught in a net. He cut the net with his sharp teeth. The lion was free. He thanked the mouse for timely help.

Moral: Do good, have good

A Farmer And A Snake

Once there was a farmer. He had a field. One day it was a very cold evening. He was returning home. He saw a snake on the path. It was unconscious. He took pity on it. He put it into a basket and took it home. He put it near the fire-place. The snake was warm. It recovered from the cold. The farmer gave milk to the snake. It started moving. The farmer’s son was playing nearby. The snake tried to bite the child. The farmer saw it. The farmer became angry and  killed the snake.

Moral: Nature never changes.

A Bee and A Dove

It was a hot summer day. A bee felt thirsty. It flew to a river to drink water. Suddenly it fell into the river. The flow was very strong. It was washed away by the flow. It became helpless. A dove was sitting on the branch of a tree. It saw bee drowning. It decided to save the life of the bee. It plucked a leaf and dropped it near the bee. The bee got on it. Soon its wings dried and it flew away. A few days later a hunter came there. He aimed at the dove to hunt it. Luckily the bee saw the hunter. It flew to the hunter. It stung him on the hand. The hunter missed his aim. The dove flew away. It thanked the bee for this timely help.

Moral: Kindness never goes un-rewarded.

Union is Strength

Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in a village. He had four sons. They used to quarrel with one another. He often advised them not to quarrel, but it was all in vain. This made him so sad. He fell ill. He thought his end was near. He sent for his sons. When they came, he asked one of them to bring some sticks and tie them into a bundle. He asked his sons to break the bundle. They tried hard one by one but failed to break the bundle. The farmer then untied the bundle. He gave one stick to each of his sons. He asked them to break the sticks. Each son broke the sticks easily. The farmer then advised them that if they were united like sticks, no one would harm them.They took his advice and began to live peacefully.

Moral: Union is strength.

The Elephant and The Tailor

Once an elephant lived in a village. He got in a friendship with a tailor. The elephant used to go to a river for a bath. After drinking water and taking a bath it would pass by a tailor’s shop and the tailor would give it something to eat. One day the tailor was in angry mood. The elephant the came as usual. Instead of giving it anything to eat, he pricked the elephant’s trunk with a needle. The elephant became angry. It wanted to teach the tailor a lesson. It went to the river, had bath and then filled up its trunk with muddy water. It stopped at the tailor’s shop and throw in all the muddy water on the garments in the shop. The clothes were spoiled with mud. The tailor suffered a great loss. He felt sad for his misdeed. But it was too late.

Moral: Tit for tat.

Bad Company

A boy got into a bad company. His father was very sad. He asked his son to give up the bad company. But the boy said that his friends could not spoil him. He would make them good boys. One day his father gave him few fresh apples and a rotten apple. He asked his son to put all the fresh apples in a basket. He then asked him to put the rotten apple in the basket also. Next morning he asked his son to bring the basket of apples. His son brought it. His son was sorry to see that all the apples were spoiled. His father showed him that one rotten apple spoiled all the fresh apples. The boy realised his mistake. He gave up the bad company.

Moral: Bad company spoils the man.

The Shepherd Boy Who Lied

Once there was a shepherd boy. He grazed his sheep outside the village. There was a forest nearby. One day the shepherd boy was grazing his sheep. He thought of making fun of the villagers. He started shouting, “Wolf! Wolf! Come and save me.” The villagers came running. There was no wolf. The boy laughed at them. He said that it was a joke. The villagers were angry. They went away. One day a wolf really came there. The shepherd boy cried for help. But the villagers thought that he was joking. They did not come. The wolf killed many sheep. It wounded the boy. The boy learnt a lesson. He never told a lie again.

Moral: Never tell a lie.

The Hen That Laid Golden Eggs

Once a farmer lived in a village. He was very poor. So he passed his days with great difficulty. One day someone gave him a hen. It laid a golden egg daily. He sold the egg in the market and made his living. Soon he became rich. But he became greedy. He wanted to become rich overnight. He Decided to kill his hen to get all the golden eggs in her stomach at once. So he took a knife and cut the hen’s stomach. But when he killed the hen, he found not even a single egg. He was sad and disappointed. He lost not only the golden eggs but also his only source of income, the hen also. His greed ruined him.

Moral: Greed is a curse.

Two Cats and a Monkey

Once there were two cats. They found a piece of bread. They couldn’t agree on how to divide it between them. They went to a monkey to seek his help in the matter.  The monkey was very clever. He intentionally divided the piece of bread into two. He told that this division is not correct and ate the larger piece. He repeated the process of breaking the piece of bread randomly and eating up the larger piece, till he had eaten up the whole piece of the bread. The cats were very sad.

Moral: always choose an honest judge.

Source : Shekhawati Mission 100

RBSE 10TH CLASS BLUEPRINT 2024 : मॉडल पेपर PDF यहां से डाउनलोड करे

Meet Girdhari Lal, a dedicated Senior Teacher in English, shaping young minds at a Government school. With a passion for English Grammar, Literature, language nuances, and a commitment to education, he is the guiding force behind Lal's blog is a rich blend of language insights, literary exploration, quizzes, and timely educational updates. His writing style effortlessly combines depth with accessibility, creating a delightful learning experience for English enthusiasts.Explore the language and education with Girdhari Lal on

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