Of Studies 50 One-liners

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Here are Of Studies 50 One-liners :

1. What are the three chief uses of studies according to Francis Bacon?

– Delight, ornament, and ability.

2. Where does Bacon mention the chief use of studies for delight?
– In privateness and retiring.

3. According to Bacon, where is the chief use of studies for ornament?
– In discourse.

4. What is the chief use of studies for ability, as per Bacon?
– In the judgment and disposition of business.

5. What does Bacon consider as sloth in relation to studies?
– To spend too much time in studies.

6. What is the downside of using studies too much for ornament, according to Bacon?
– It is affectation.

7. What does Bacon term as the humor of a scholar?
– Making judgment wholly by the rules of studies.

8. How does Bacon describe the relationship between studies and natural abilities?
– They perfect nature and are perfected by experience.

9. What analogy does Bacon draw between natural abilities and natural plants?
– Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study.

10. What does Bacon suggest about the need for pruning in relation to studies?
– Studies themselves give forth directions too much at large unless bounded in by experience.

11. What is the criticism of crafty men towards studies?
– Crafty men condemn studies.

12. How does Bacon characterize the attitude of simple men towards studies?
– Simple men admire studies.

13. What is the approach of wise men towards studies, according to Bacon?
– Wise men use studies.

14. What advice does Bacon give regarding reading studies?
– Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted.

15. How does Bacon advise readers to approach different kinds of books?
– Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

16. What does Bacon mean by “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed”?
– Some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read but not curiously.

17. How does Bacon suggest readers approach books that are to be “chewed and digested”?
– Some few books are to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.

18. What does Bacon emphasize about the use of studies in making a full man?
– Reading maketh a full man.

19. According to Bacon, what does conference make a man?
– Conference makes a ready man.

20. What skill does writing develop in a person, as per Bacon?
– Writing makes an exact man.

21. What quality does a person need if they confer little, according to Bacon?
– If a person confers little, they need to have a present wit.

22. According to Bacon, what does reading little necessitate a person to have?
– If a person reads little, they need to have much cunning, to seem to know that they do not.

23. What does Bacon assert about the influence of histories on men?
– Histories make men wise.

24. According to Bacon, what do poets make men?
– Poets make men witty.

25. How does Bacon describe the impact of mathematics on the mind?
– The mathematics make the mind subtle.

26. What does Bacon consider the influence of natural philosophy on a person?
– Natural philosophy makes the mind deep.

27. What does Bacon attribute to the study of moral philosophy?
– Moral philosophy makes the mind grave.

28. According to Bacon, what are logic and rhetoric able to do?
– Logic and rhetoric are able to contend.

29. What Latin phrase does Bacon use to convey the idea that studies pass into and influence manners?
– “Abeunt studia in mores.”

30. What does Bacon mean by “Abeunt studia in mores”?
– Studies pass into and influence manners.

31. According to Bacon, what can be done to overcome defects in the mind?
– Every defect of the mind may have a special receipt.

32. What is suggested for the improvement of a wandering wit, as per Bacon?
– Let him study the mathematics.

33. If a person’s wit is not apt to distinguish differences, what does Bacon recommend studying?
– Let him study the Schoolmen.

34. What group of scholars does Bacon suggest for those who are not apt to beat over matters?
– Let him study the lawyers’ cases.

35. What is the recommended study for someone whose wit is not apt to find differences?
– Let him study the Schoolmen.

36. What exercise does Bacon recommend for the improvement of the stone and reins?
– Bowling is good for the stone and reins.

37. According to Bacon, what is good for the lungs and breast?
– Shooting is good for the lungs and breast.

38. What type of exercise does Bacon recommend for the stomach?
– Gentle walking is good for the stomach.

39. What does Bacon recommend for the improvement of the head?
– Riding is recommended for the head.

40. What should a person study if their wit tends to wander, according to Bacon?
– Let him study the mathematics.

41. Which group of scholars does Bacon suggest studying for those who struggle to distinguish differences?
– Let him study the Schoolmen.

42. How does Bacon compare the improvement of the mind to the treatment of diseases?
– Like diseases of the body may have appropriate exercises.

43. What analogy does Bacon draw between defects of the mind and appropriate exercises for the body?
– Every defect of the mind may have a special receipt, like appropriate exercises for the body.

44. What do crafty, simple, and wise men think about studying?
-Crafty condemn it, simple admire it, and wise use it without relying solely on it.

45. How should different types of books be read?
-Some in parts, some casually, and some carefully and fully.

46. What subjects make one wise, witty, subtle, deep, grave, or skilled in argument?
-History, poetry, mathematics, natural philosophy, morality, and logic/rhetoric respectively.

47. What does Bacon mean by “common distilled waters” in regards to reading summaries?
-They offer superficial knowledge without the depth and context obtained through direct engagement with the source material.

48. How can studying poetry enhance one’s wit?
-It develops creative thinking, metaphorical language skills, and the ability to express oneself in imaginative and engaging ways.

49. How can studying logic make one a better listener?
-It hones skills in identifying fallacies, analyzing arguments, and understanding different perspectives.

50. What is the role of humor in the learning process, according to Bacon?
-It can lighten the mood, make complex concepts more engaging, and spark creative thinking.

Meet Girdhari Lal, a dedicated Senior Teacher in English, shaping young minds at a Government school. With a passion for English Grammar, Literature, language nuances, and a commitment to education, he is the guiding force behind www.gyankundli.com.Girdhari Lal's blog is a rich blend of language insights, literary exploration, quizzes, and timely educational updates. His writing style effortlessly combines depth with accessibility, creating a delightful learning experience for English enthusiasts.Explore the language and education with Girdhari Lal on www.gyankundli.com

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