Pravah English Workbook Class 6-7 Solution : Worksheet 1, 2

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In this article we are going to provide solution to the worksheet 1 & 2 of Pravah English Workbook Class 6-7. Worksheet 1 is based on listening activity in the classroom and worksheet 2 is about reading activity.


Instructions :- The teacher will ask the students to share their experiences about festivals. During the discussion, the teacher will focus on some words and sentenses related to those festivals. Meanwhile the students will listen to the teacher attentivelly so that they can solve the exercises given in worksheet 1.

Q. 1. Listen to your teacher and circle the words that relate to the themse of festival.

Answer :-

Worksheet 1

Q. 2. Listen to your teacher and tick the sentenses that relate to the theme of festival.


a) Seema travelled by her cycle to get to the fairground. ☐

b) I love eating sweets that my mother makes on Diwali. ☑

c) She can be very angry sometimes. ☐

d) Can you come here, please? ☐

e) My brother made a very delicious dish on Eid. ☑

f) Ganesh can read English newspapers now. ☐

g) We celebrated Holi with our teachers. ☑


Instructions:- The teacher will help students recite the rhyme. After the recitation, he will help students understand the meaning of the rhyme through simple questions. Then the teacher will guide students to discuss the question in pairs and write the answer.

Recites the given rhyme and discuss the given questions, with your friend, then write the answers in the given space.

Thank you, God,
For the worls so sweet
Thank you, God,
For the food we eat
Thank you, God,
For the birds that sing
Thank you, God,
For everything.

1) Who do you wish to thank?

Answer:- We wish to thank the God.

2) Why do you want to thank them?

Answer:- We want to thank the God for everything like – making the world so sweet, giving us the food to eat, creating the bords that sing.

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Girdhari Lal

Girdhari Lal , एक dedicated अंग्रेजी विषय के वरिष्ठ अध्यापक और के संस्थापक हैं। 1.5 वर्षों के ब्लॉगिंग अनुभव के साथ, वे अंग्रेजी व्याकरण, साहित्य, भाषा और शिक्षा से जुड़ी अद्भुत जानकारी अपने ब्लॉग पर publish करते हैं। उनके ब्लॉग पर English Grammar, Literature और शैक्षिक अपडेट मिलती रहती हैं।

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