Words Often Confused Quiz : 20 MCQs

Words Often Confused Quiz

Words Often Confused Quiz : “Words Often Confused” refers to pairs or groups of words that sound similar or have similar spellings but carry different meanings. These words can lead to mistakes in writing and speaking if used incorrectly. Common examples include accept vs. except, advice vs. advise, and affect vs. effect. No. Words …

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Modal Verbs Quiz : 20 MCQs

Modal Verbs Quiz

Modal Verbs Quiz : Modal verbs are a special category of auxiliary (helping) verbs that express necessity, ability, possibility, permission, obligation, or probability. Unlike main verbs, they do not function independently but modify the meaning of the main verb that follows them. Modal verbs do not take “-s” in the third person singular and …

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Common Idioms Quiz : 20 MCQs

Common Idioms Quiz

Common Idioms Quiz : Definition of an idiom – a group of words in a fixed order that has a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own (Cambridge Dictionary) Here are some common idioms :- A big shot – An important or influential person. Example: She had lunch with a big shot executive who offered her a job …

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Articles and Determiners Quiz : 20 MCQs

Articles and Determiners Quiz

Articles and Determiners Quiz : A determiner is a word that comes before a noun to specify quantity, possession, definiteness, or other attributes. It helps clarify what the noun refers to. Types of Determiners Type Examples Function Articles a, an, the Define nouns as specific (the) or general (a, an) Demonstratives this, that, these, …

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The Mayor of Casterbridge Quiz : 20 MCQs

The Mayor of Casterbridge Quiz

The Mayor of Casterbridge Quiz : Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge is a tragic tale of one man’s struggle with his past mistakes. Set in the fictional town of Casterbridge (based on Dorchester, England), the story follows Michael Henchard, a man whose life spirals due to a single reckless act.   The novel begins …

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Arun Kolatkar Quiz : 15 MCQs

Arun Kolatkar Quiz

Arun Kolatkar Quiz : Arun Kolatkar, one of India’s most iconic modern poets, is known for his experimental style and profound imagery that captures the essence of Indian culture and life. Born in 1932 in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, Kolatkar wrote in both Marathi and English, bridging cultural and linguistic boundaries. His poetry explores themes of …

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Pre-Raphaelite Movement Quiz : 15 MCQs

Pre-Raphaelite Movement Quiz

Pre-Raphaelite Movement Quiz : What is Pre-Raphaelite Movement? – The Pre-Raphaelite movement was a British art and literature movement of the 19th century. It opposed traditional academic styles and supported themes inspired by nature and the medieval period. The movement began in 1848 when three artists—D. G. Rossetti, J. E. Millais, and W. H. …

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Literary forms Allegory Quiz : 15 MCQs

Literary Forms Allegory Quiz 15 MCQs

Literary forms Allegory Quiz : What is allegory in literature? – An allegory is a literary form that uses symbolic people, places, or events to express a complex or an abstract message. In poetry, an allegory is a kind of extended metaphor that uses characters, places, and objects to convey figurative meaning. The meaning of an …

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