The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 16-20 Quiz

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The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 16-20 Quiz

Brief Summary of The Mayor of Casterbridge (Chapters 16–20)

In Chapter 16, Henchard plans a grand public festival, expecting it to surpass Farfrae’s event. However, heavy rain ruins his celebration, while Farfrae’s dance, held under borrowed rick-cloths, becomes a success. Humiliated and angry, Henchard rashly announces that Farfrae’s term as his manager is ending.

In Chapter 17, Farfrae starts his own business, initially avoiding competition with Henchard. However, Henchard sees him as an enemy and starts a price war. Meanwhile, Elizabeth-Jane and Farfrae develop feelings for each other, but Henchard forbids their relationship.

In Chapter 18, Susan falls gravely ill. Before dying, she writes a letter to Henchard, instructing him to open it on Elizabeth-Jane’s wedding day. At the same time, a mysterious woman named Lucetta sends a letter to Henchard, asking him to return old love letters.

In Chapter 19, after Susan’s death, Henchard tells Elizabeth-Jane that he is her real father. She happily accepts him, but later, he accidentally reads Susan’s letter and discovers that Elizabeth-Jane is actually Newson’s daughter. Devastated, he becomes cold toward her.

In Chapter 20, Henchard grows distant and critical of Elizabeth-Jane. Meanwhile, a kind lady, who is later revealed to be Lucetta, offers Elizabeth-Jane companionship at High-Place Hall, which she joyfully accepts.

16Henchard’s festival fails, while Farfrae’s event succeeds, increasing Henchard’s jealousy.
17Farfrae starts his business; Henchard sees him as a rival and forbids Elizabeth-Jane from meeting him.
18Susan falls ill and dies, leaving a letter for Henchard. Lucetta also sends a letter, but she does not arrive.
19Henchard tells Elizabeth-Jane he is her father, but later discovers she is actually Newson’s daughter.
20Henchard becomes distant from Elizabeth-Jane. She meets Lucetta, who offers her companionship.


The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 16-20 Quiz

Welcome to your The Mayor of Casterbridge 16-20 Quiz

1. What event prompts Henchard and Donald to organize festivities(outdoor entertainment)?

2. What ruins Henchard’s plans for the outdoor festivities?

3. How does Donald ensure his event’s success?

4. How does Henchard react upon seeing Elizabeth-Jane at the dance?

5. How does Henchard react to the townspeople’s taunts at the dance?

6. How does Donald react to Henchard’s declaration?

7. Why does Elizabeth-Jane feel ashamed after the dance?

8. Why does Donald decide not to compete with Henchard initially?

9. What forces Donald into “mortal commercial combat” with Henchard?

10. What does Henchard forbid Elizabeth-Jane from doing?

11. What does Henchard do when Donald starts his own business?

12. What causes Susan’s death in Chapter 18?

13. Who sends Henchard a letter from Jersey?

14. What does Lucetta request from Henchard?

15. What does Susan write before her death?

16. What does Susan confess to Elizabeth-Jane before her death?

17. What shocking truth does Henchard discover in Susan’s letter?

18. How does Henchard react after reading Susan’s letter?

19. How does Henchard treat Elizabeth-Jane after learning the truth?

20. What does Nance Mockridge reveal about Elizabeth-Jane?

Previous Quiz : The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 11-15 Quiz : 20 MCQs

Girdhari Lal

Girdhari Lal , एक dedicated अंग्रेजी विषय के वरिष्ठ अध्यापक और के संस्थापक हैं। 1.5 वर्षों के ब्लॉगिंग अनुभव के साथ, वे अंग्रेजी व्याकरण, साहित्य, भाषा और शिक्षा से जुड़ी अद्भुत जानकारी अपने ब्लॉग पर publish करते हैं। उनके ब्लॉग पर English Grammar, Literature और शैक्षिक अपडेट मिलती रहती हैं।

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