The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 26-30 Quiz

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The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 26-30 Quiz

Chapter 26: Henchard’s Business Failure and Growing Rivalry

Henchard starts suspecting that Donald Farfrae is his rival for Lucetta’s love, but initially, his doubts vanish when Farfrae appears unaware of Henchard’s past relationship with her. However, during a tea meeting with Lucetta, Henchard realizes that Farfrae is indeed a competitor in both business and love. Elizabeth-Jane, observing their awkward behavior, finds them all foolish.

To defeat Farfrae in business, Henchard hires Jopp, a man who had once applied for the position Farfrae now holds. Jopp, who already dislikes Farfrae, eagerly accepts. Meanwhile, Henchard consults a local astrologer, Mr. Fall, who predicts a rainy season. Trusting this unreliable forecast, Henchard invests heavily in grain, expecting prices to rise. However, the weather turns favorable for farmers, and the grain prices fall instead. Henchard suffers massive financial losses and is forced to mortgage his properties. In anger, he fires Jopp, who vows revenge.

Key Events :

  • Henchard realizes Farfrae is his rival in both business and love.
  • He hires Jopp to ruin Farfrae’s business.
  • He relies on a weather diviner’s prediction of rain.
  • The weather turns favorable for other farmers, causing Henchard’s financial downfall.
  • Henchard fires Jopp, who now seeks revenge.

Chapter 27: Henchard’s Blackmail and Lucetta’s Fainting

Farfrae, using his sharp business sense, buys grain when prices are low. As predicted, the weather changes, and he profits again. Meanwhile, an accident occurs beneath Lucetta’s window involving the hay wagons of both Henchard and Farfrae. Lucetta and Elizabeth-Jane support Farfrae’s side.

Later, Henchard tries to visit Lucetta, but she refuses to meet him. Suspicious, he hides nearby and follows her and Farfrae as they walk in the moonlit fields. Listening from a distance, Henchard hears them declare their love. Enraged, he returns to Lucetta’s house and waits inside without permission. When she arrives, he blackmails her, saying he will reveal their past if she does not agree to marry him. Terrified and pressured, Lucetta agrees, with Elizabeth-Jane as a witness. Overwhelmed, Lucetta faints. Elizabeth-Jane scolds Henchard for being so harsh.

Key Events :

  • Farfrae buys grain at low prices and benefits from the weather change.
  • An accident involving hay wagons occurs outside Lucetta’s house.
  • Henchard secretly follows Lucetta and Farfrae.
  • He overhears their love confession.
  • Henchard blackmails Lucetta into agreeing to marriage.
  • Lucetta faints due to the pressure.


Chapter 28: Henchard’s Downfall in Court

As a magistrate, Henchard presides over the case of an old woman accused of public nuisance. However, he soon realizes she is the same furmity woman who had witnessed him selling his wife years ago. In front of the court, she exposes his past.

Henchard is shocked but does not deny the accusation. Instead, he admits his guilt and steps down as magistrate. The townspeople are stunned by this revelation.

Lucetta, who had assumed Henchard’s wife was dead, is horrified to learn the truth. She quickly decides to leave Casterbridge for a while and stays in Port-Bredy. Henchard, trying to meet her, finds out she has left town. When she returns, she avoids him and takes a walk toward Port-Bredy.

Key Events :

  • Henchard presides over a court case.
  • The furmity woman exposes his past wife-selling incident.
  • Henchard admits his guilt and steps down as magistrate.
  • Lucetta, shocked by the truth, leaves for Port-Bredy.
  • Henchard tries to meet Lucetta, but she avoids him.


Chapter 29: Henchard Rescues Lucetta, but She Rejects Him

Lucetta waits for Farfrae outside town. Elizabeth-Jane joins her, but suddenly, a ferocious bull appears and chases them into a barn. The animal charges at them, but Henchard arrives just in time, subdues the bull, and saves them. Lucetta, frightened, faints again. Henchard carries her home.

Later, Elizabeth-Jane meets Farfrae and tells him about the incident. Farfrae is concerned but decides not to visit Lucetta immediately. Meanwhile, Henchard offers to release Lucetta from their engagement, but in return, he asks her to reassure his creditor, Mr. Grower, that they will soon be married. Lucetta refuses, revealing that she has already married Farfrae in secret.

Henchard is furious, feeling betrayed. Lucetta explains that she feared Henchard after learning about his past. She begs him not to tell Farfrae about their past relationship. Henchard, filled with rage, threatens to expose everything.

Key Events :

  • Lucetta and Elizabeth-Jane are chased by a bull.
  • Henchard saves them, and Lucetta faints.
  • Farfrae is concerned but does not visit Lucetta.
  • Henchard asks Lucetta to assure his creditor of their marriage.
  • Lucetta reveals she has already married Farfrae.
  • Henchard, feeling betrayed, threatens to expose her past.


Chapter 30: Elizabeth-Jane Leaves Lucetta’s House

Farfrae moves his belongings to Lucetta’s house. Lucetta requests that Elizabeth-Jane stay with them, and Farfrae agrees. However, Elizabeth-Jane disapproves of Lucetta’s actions and believes she should have married Henchard instead.

Lucetta explains that her promise to Henchard was made under pressure and that she never intended to marry him willingly. She confirms her marriage to Farfrae. Feeling heartbroken and conflicted, Elizabeth-Jane decides to leave Lucetta’s house. She moves to a residence opposite Henchard’s place, leaving a note for Lucetta.

Meanwhile, the villagers gossip about the marriage, speculating whether Farfrae will continue his business or simply live off his wife’s wealth.

Key Events :

  • Farfrae moves into Lucetta’s house.
  • Lucetta asks Elizabeth-Jane to stay, but she refuses.
  • Elizabeth-Jane disapproves of Lucetta’s marriage.
  • She decides to leave and moves near Henchard.
  • Villagers gossip about Farfrae’s future.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 26-30 Quiz

Welcome to your The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 26-30 Quiz

1. Why does Henchard initially dismiss the idea that Farfrae is his rival for Lucetta?

2. Who does Henchard hire to undermine Donald Farfrae's business?

3. What inaccurate weather prediction does Henchard rely upon?

4. What does Mr. Fall predict about the harvest season?

5. How does Henchard's speculation on the weather turn out?

6. What is the outcome of Henchard's decision to dismiss Jopp?

7. What does Henchard mortgage to meet his financial obligations?

8. How does Hardy contrast Henchard and Donald in Chapter 26?

9. What does Farfrae do when the harvest promises to be good?

10. What case does Henchard decide to hear as a magistrate?

11. Who appears in court to accuse Henchard of a past crime?

12. What crime does the furmity woman accuse Henchard of?

13. What is ironic about Henchard’s role in the courtroom?

14. What danger do Lucetta and Elizabeth-Jane face on the road to Port-Bredy?

15. Who rescues Lucetta and Elizabeth-Jane from the bull?

16. What does Elizabeth-Jane retrieve from the barn after the incident?

17. What does Henchard ask Lucetta to do for him after rescuing her?

18. What does Lucetta reveal to Henchard after his request?

19. Why does Henchard still hold influence over Lucetta?

20. What does Henchard’s confession in court reveal about his character?

Previous Quiz : The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 21-25 Quiz

Girdhari Lal

Girdhari Lal , एक dedicated अंग्रेजी विषय के वरिष्ठ अध्यापक और के संस्थापक हैं। 1.5 वर्षों के ब्लॉगिंग अनुभव के साथ, वे अंग्रेजी व्याकरण, साहित्य, भाषा और शिक्षा से जुड़ी अद्भुत जानकारी अपने ब्लॉग पर publish करते हैं। उनके ब्लॉग पर English Grammar, Literature और शैक्षिक अपडेट मिलती रहती हैं।

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