The Mayor Of Casterbridge Chapters 31-35 Quiz

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The Mayor Of Casterbridge Chapters 31-35 Quiz

Chapter 31: Henchard’s Public Fall

  1. The furmity woman exposes Henchard’s past, making the town see him as a criminal again.
  2. His reputation is destroyed, and people start avoiding him in Casterbridge.
  3. His financial situation worsens when a debtor fails to pay him back.
  4. His worker mishandles the grain, creating another public scandal.
  5. Elizabeth-Jane learns about his bankruptcy but is advised to stay away.
  6. Henchard tries to repay his creditors by offering his personal belongings.
  7. With Farfrae taking over his business, Henchard is left to live in a small cottage.

Chapter 32: Bridges of Despair

  1. Two bridges in Casterbridge represent different types of suffering in society.
  2. Henchard stands on the stone bridge, reflecting on his ruined life.
  3. Jopp tells him that Farfrae now owns his old house and furniture.
  4. Henchard meets Farfrae, who offers him help, but he refuses out of pride.
  5. Elizabeth-Jane continues to care for Henchard despite his downfall.
  6. Henchard starts working as a laborer under Farfrae, accepting his new fate.
  7. Rumors spread that Farfrae might become the next mayor, further angering Henchard.

Chapter 33: Henchard Breaks His Oath

  1. After years of staying sober, Henchard drinks again at the Three Mariners Inn.
  2. Seeing Farfrae and Lucetta together, Henchard feels jealous and angry.
  3. He forces the choir to sing a psalm that reflects his bitterness.
  4. Elizabeth-Jane arrives, worried about Henchard’s mental state.
  5. Henchard talks about harming Farfrae, scaring Elizabeth-Jane.
  6. Lucetta avoids Henchard, fearing his growing hostility.
  7. The chapter ends with Henchard’s emotions becoming more dangerous.

Chapter 34: Elizabeth-Jane’s Warning

  1. Elizabeth-Jane warns Farfrae that Henchard might harm him.
  2. Farfrae dismisses her concerns, believing Henchard is harmless.
  3. Henchard speaks ill of Farfrae, causing the mayor to reconsider helping him.
  4. Henchard learns that Farfrae abandoned plans to help him, making him bitter.
  5. Farfrae considers leaving Casterbridge, but Lucetta is still worried about Henchard.
  6. Henchard retrieves old letters from Farfrae’s house, planning revenge.
  7. In the end, he cannot bring himself to use the letters against Lucetta.

Chapter 35: Lucetta’s Fear

  1. Lucetta overhears Henchard and Farfrae’s conversation and panics.
  2. She fears Henchard will expose her past and ruin her marriage.
  3. Unable to sleep, she writes a letter to Henchard, asking him to meet her.
  4. They meet at the amphitheater, where Lucetta pleads for his mercy.
  5. Henchard, moved by her sorrow, agrees to return her letters.
  6. He warns her that secrets may not remain hidden forever.
  7. The chapter highlights themes of guilt, redemption, and vulnerability.


The Mayor Of Casterbridge Chapters 31-35 Quiz

Welcome to your Quiz: The Mayor of Casterbridge (Chapters 31-35)

1. What incident in Chapter 31 significantly damages Michael Henchard’s reputation?

2. How do the townspeople react to the scandal involving Henchard?

3. What financial hardship worsens Henchard’s troubles?

4. What does Henchard offer during the creditors’ meeting?

5. How do the creditors respond to Henchard’s offer?

6. What does Henchard sell to help a creditor?

7. What does Henchard’s withdrawal from society symbolize?

8. Who does Henchard meet at the stone bridge?

9. What does Farfrae offer Henchard in chapter 32?

10. What rumor circulates about Farfrae at the end of Chapter 32?

11. What significant choice does Henchard make at the inn?

12. What does Elizabeth-Jane warn Farfrae about?

13. How does Farfrae react to Elizabeth-Jane’s warning?

14. Who informs Farfrae of Henchard’s resentment?

15. What does Henchard visit Farfrae’s home to retrieve?

16. Why is Lucetta distressed in 35th chapter?

17. Where do Lucetta and Henchard meet privately?

18. Which character symbolizes progress and change in Casterbridge?

19. What is significant about Henchard selling his gold watch?

20. What is ironic about Henchard’s attempts to get revenge?

Previous Quiz : The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 26-30 Quiz

Girdhari Lal

Girdhari Lal , एक dedicated अंग्रेजी विषय के वरिष्ठ अध्यापक और के संस्थापक हैं। 1.5 वर्षों के ब्लॉगिंग अनुभव के साथ, वे अंग्रेजी व्याकरण, साहित्य, भाषा और शिक्षा से जुड़ी अद्भुत जानकारी अपने ब्लॉग पर publish करते हैं। उनके ब्लॉग पर English Grammar, Literature और शैक्षिक अपडेट मिलती रहती हैं।

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