The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 36-40 Quiz

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The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 36-40 Quiz

The Mayor of Casterbridge (Chapters 36-40)

Chapter 36

  1. Lucetta refuses to help Jopp get a job from Farfrae, fearing interference in her husband’s affairs.
  2. Jopp, bitter about Lucetta’s rejection, opens Henchard’s secret letters and exposes them.
  3. At Peter’s Finger, Jopp reads Lucetta’s letters aloud, stirring scandal in Casterbridge.
  4. A stranger funds a skimmity-ride to publicly humiliate Lucetta and Henchard.
  5. The town’s lower class prepares for the cruel mockery of Lucetta’s past.
  6. Jopp, despite delivering the letters to Lucetta later, has already caused irreversible damage.
  7. The villagers, usually bystanders, become active in the downfall of Lucetta.

Chapter 37

  1. Casterbridge prepares to welcome a royal visitor with a grand ceremony.
  2. Henchard, desperate for respect, asks to participate but is rejected by Farfrae.
  3. Determined to assert himself, Henchard disrupts the royal event with a Union Jack.
  4. Farfrae, as mayor, forcibly removes Henchard, further disgracing him publicly.
  5. Lucetta, now ashamed of Henchard, dismisses any role he played in Farfrae’s success.
  6. The crowd sees Henchard’s actions as disgraceful, deepening his isolation.
  7. Meanwhile, the skimmity-ride is finalized, setting the stage for Lucetta’s downfall.

Chapter 38

  1. Humiliated and furious, Henchard challenges Farfrae to a deadly fight.
  2. Henchard, in his arrogance, ties one arm to make the fight “fair.”
  3. Overpowering Farfrae, Henchard nearly throws him from a great height.
  4. At the last moment, Henchard’s old affection stops him from killing Farfrae.
  5. His failed revenge leaves him more broken and remorseful than before.
  6. Farfrae unknowingly escapes another tragedy by changing his travel plans.
  7. Henchard, lost in despair, is unaware of the turmoil brewing in Casterbridge.

Chapter 39

  1. To keep Farfrae away, his workers trick him into leaving town.
  2. The townspeople believe Lucetta deserves punishment and do not warn her.
  3. The skimmity-ride parades through Casterbridge, ridiculing Lucetta and Henchard.
  4. Lucetta, despite Elizabeth-Jane’s warnings, sees the procession and collapses.
  5. The cruel spectacle triggers a seizure, endangering Lucetta’s life and pregnancy.
  6. The constables fail to catch the culprits as the townsfolk cover for each other.
  7. Hardy highlights the power of social cruelty and its unintended consequences.

Chapter 40

  1. Henchard, tormented by guilt, witnesses the skimmity-ride and its impact.
  2. Rushing to warn Farfrae of Lucetta’s illness, Henchard is dismissed as a liar.
  3. Farfrae, mistrusting Henchard, ignores his desperate pleas to return home.
  4. Henchard, broken and helpless, watches the disaster unfold.
  5. As Lucetta lies dying, she confesses her past to Farfrae in her final moments.
  6. A mysterious sea-captain arrives, hinting at future complications.
  7. With Lucetta’s death, Henchard’s world grows darker, and Elizabeth-Jane remains his only solace.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 36-40 Quiz

Welcome to your Quiz: The Mayor of Casterbridge (Chapters 36-40)

1. What does Jopp ask Lucetta when he visits her?

2. What does Jopp do with the letters he finds in Henchard’s parcel?

3. Where do Mother Cuxsom and Nance Mockridge invite Jopp?

4. What is a “skimmity-ride” as described in Chapter 36?

5. Who funds the skimmity-ride with a gold sovereign?

6. What does Lucetta do with the letters when she receives them from Jopp?

7. What special event was about to happen in Casterbridge?

8. What does Henchard request at the council meeting?

9. How does Farfrae respond to Henchard’s request?

10. What does Henchard do during the royal visit?

11. How does Farfrae react to Henchard’s actions?

12. What does Henchard resolve to do after the royal visit?

13. Where does Henchard ask Donald to meet him?

14. What does Henchard do to make the fight fair?

15. What does Elizabeth-Jane try to prevent Lucetta from doing?

16. What does Lucetta see in the skimmity-ride procession?

17. What happens to Lucetta after seeing the skimmity-ride?

18. Who urges the constables to apprehend the skimmity-ride perpetrators?

19. Why does Henchard rush to Donald’s house?

20. Who informs Henchard of a sea-captain’s visit?

Previous Quiz : The Mayor Of Casterbridge Chapters 31-35 Quiz

Girdhari Lal

Girdhari Lal , एक dedicated अंग्रेजी विषय के वरिष्ठ अध्यापक और के संस्थापक हैं। 1.5 वर्षों के ब्लॉगिंग अनुभव के साथ, वे अंग्रेजी व्याकरण, साहित्य, भाषा और शिक्षा से जुड़ी अद्भुत जानकारी अपने ब्लॉग पर publish करते हैं। उनके ब्लॉग पर English Grammar, Literature और शैक्षिक अपडेट मिलती रहती हैं।

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