The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 6-10 Quiz : 20 MCQs

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The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 6-10 Quiz :

Chapter Summaries (6-10) of The Mayor of Casterbridge

Chapter 6

Michael Henchard, now the Mayor of Casterbridge, is respected but has a bad temper. He regrets selling his wife and child. Meanwhile, Susan and Elizabeth-Jane arrive in Casterbridge. Susan learns that Henchard is now a rich man. She sends Elizabeth-Jane to buy bread, and the girl meets Donald Farfrae, a young Scottish man. Farfrae is intelligent and friendly. He tells Elizabeth-Jane that he plans to leave for America. Later, Henchard hears about Farfrae’s knowledge of grain and invites him to stay.

Chapter 7

Henchard is impressed by Farfrae’s skills in managing wheat and persuades him to stay in Casterbridge. He offers him a job as his business manager. Susan and Elizabeth-Jane visit Henchard. Susan sends a secret note to him, revealing her identity. Henchard is shocked but feels guilty for his past mistake. He decides to make things right by marrying Susan again and treating Elizabeth-Jane as his daughter.

Chapter 8

Henchard meets Susan privately and asks for her forgiveness. He tells her that he wants to remarry her to give Elizabeth-Jane a respectable life. Henchard asks her to stay in a cottage until they can marry again without raising suspicion. Meanwhile, Henchard grows fond of Farfrae and considers him like a son. However, the townspeople start admiring Farfrae more than Henchard.

Chapter 9

Henchard publicly announces that he will marry Susan, and they soon get married. Elizabeth-Jane is happy, but she does not know the real reason behind their marriage. Henchard treats her kindly but later discovers that she is not his real daughter. He learns that Susan had another child who died, and Elizabeth-Jane is Newson’s daughter. This makes him distant from her.

Chapter 10

Henchard becomes cold towards Elizabeth-Jane after learning the truth. Susan notices this change in his behavior but does not understand why. Meanwhile, Farfrae becomes more popular in Casterbridge, making Henchard jealous. Henchard tries to win back the people’s support but fails. His relationship with Farfrae starts turning bitter.

6Susan and Elizabeth-Jane arrive in Casterbridge. They meet Farfrae, who plans to leave for America. Henchard offers Farfrae a job after learning about his skills in managing grain.
7Susan sends a note to Henchard revealing her identity. Henchard feels guilty and decides to marry her again to make things right. He treats Elizabeth-Jane as his daughter.
8Henchard asks Susan to stay in a cottage until they remarry. He grows close to Farfrae, but the townspeople admire Farfrae more, creating tension.
9Henchard and Susan marry again. Elizabeth-Jane is happy, but she does not know the real reason. Henchard later discovers she is not his biological daughter.
10Henchard starts behaving coldly towards Elizabeth-Jane. Susan notices the change. Farfrae becomes more popular, and Henchard starts feeling jealous.


The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 6-10 Quiz

Welcome to your The Mayor of Casterbridge 6-10

1. What topic is being discussed at the hotel when the stranger, Donald Farfrae arrives?

2. What does the stranger do after hearing Henchard’s words?

3. Where does the stranger, Donald Farfrae decide to stay?

4. What does Henchard do after receiving the note?

5. What does Elizabeth-Jane secretly do to help with their expenses?

6. What does Donald Farfrae demonstrate to Henchard?

7. Why does Farfrae refuse Henchard’s job offer at first?

8. Why does Henchard refuse Farfrae’s offer of alcohol?

9. What does Farfrae do in the inn after dinner?

10. Who is Joshua Jopp?

11. How does Jopp react when Henchard dismisses him?

12. What does Henchard give to Susan?

13. What does Susan think about the five guineas?

14. Where does Henchard ask Susan to meet him?

15. What job does Henchard offer to Farfrae?

16. What does Henchard say about his past when Farfrae offers him ale?

17. Who does Henchard forget about when offering the job to Farfrae?

18. Who does Elizabeth-Jane find at Henchard’s office?

19. What does Hardy describe beautifully in Chapter 9?

20. What does Henchard ask Susan to do in the note?

Previous Quiz : The Mayor of Casterbridge Chapters 1-5 Quiz : 20 MCQs

Girdhari Lal

Girdhari Lal , एक dedicated अंग्रेजी विषय के वरिष्ठ अध्यापक और के संस्थापक हैं। 1.5 वर्षों के ब्लॉगिंग अनुभव के साथ, वे अंग्रेजी व्याकरण, साहित्य, भाषा और शिक्षा से जुड़ी अद्भुत जानकारी अपने ब्लॉग पर publish करते हैं। उनके ब्लॉग पर English Grammar, Literature और शैक्षिक अपडेट मिलती रहती हैं।

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