The Mayor of Casterbridge Quiz : 20 MCQs

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The Mayor of Casterbridge Quiz : Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge is a tragic tale of one man’s struggle with his past mistakes. Set in the fictional town of Casterbridge (based on Dorchester, England), the story follows Michael Henchard, a man whose life spirals due to a single reckless act.  

The novel begins with a young, drunk Henchard selling his wife, Susan, and baby daughter, Elizabeth-Jane, to a sailor named Newson at a fair. The next morning, filled with guilt, Henchard vows to stay away from liquor for 21 years. Eighteen years later, Susan returns with Elizabeth-Jane (now grown up) after Newson’s supposed death. By then, Henchard has become the respected Mayor of Casterbridge. To hide their shameful past, Henchard pretends to court and remarry Susan, while Elizabeth-Jane believes he’s just a distant relative.  

Henchard’s life takes another turn when he hires Donald Farfrae, a clever Scotchman, to manage his corn business. Though initially close, Henchard grows jealous as Farfrae outshines him in business and wins the town’s admiration. Their rivalry deepens when Farfrae starts courting Elizabeth-Jane, leading Henchard to fire him. Tragedy strikes again when Susan dies, and Henchard discovers Elizabeth-Jane is actually Newson’s daughter, not his. Heartbroken, he pushes her away.  

Enter Lucetta, a woman from Henchard’s past, who arrives in Casterbridge to marry him. But fate twists again: Lucetta falls for Farfrae instead, and they marry. When villagers expose Henchard and Lucetta’s old love letters through a humiliating public parade (called a “skimmity-ride”), the scandal leaves Lucetta so ashamed she falls ill and dies.  

Henchard’s downfall continues when Newson—alive after all—returns to claim Elizabeth-Jane. Henchard lies, telling him she’s dead, but the truth eventually surfaces. Abandoned and alone, Henchard leaves Casterbridge. Though Elizabeth-Jane forgives him later, she finds him too late—he dies alone, begging in his final will to be forgotten.  

The Mayor of Casterbridge Highlights

Full TitleThe Life and Death of the Mayor of Casterbridge: A Story of a Man of Character
AuthorThomas Hardy
Type of WorkNovel
GenreTragedy; Naturalism; Bildungsroman (a novel that charts the protagonist’s moral and psychological development)
Time and Place Written1885–1886, Dorchester, England
NarratorThe anonymous narrator speaks in the third person.
ToneTragic, melodramatic, naturalistic
Setting (Time)Mid-1800s
Setting (Place)Casterbridge, England (a fictional town based on the city of Dorchester)
ProtagonistMichael Henchard
ThemesThe importance of character; the value of a good name; the indelibility of the past
MotifsCoincidence; the tension between tradition and innovation; the tension between public life and private life
SymbolsThe caged goldfinch; the bull; the collision of the wagons

Table Data Source : Sparknotes

The Mayor of Casterbridge Quiz

Welcome to The Mayor of Casterbridge Quiz

1. Where does Michael Henchard sell his wife and daughter?

2. How much money does Henchard receive for selling Susan and Elizabeth-Jane?

3. After realizing his mistake, what oath does Henchard take?

4. What is Henchard’s profession when Susan and Elizabeth-Jane return?

5. Who does Henchard hire as his business manager?

6. Why does Henchard become jealous of Farfrae?

7. How does Lucetta die?

8. What lie does Henchard tell Newson?

9. What is Henchard’s dying wish?

10. Who is Elizabeth-Jane’s biological father?

11. What is Lucetta’s main concern when she arrives in Casterbridge?

12. Who exposes Henchard’s past crime to the town?

13. What is Abel Whittle known for?

14. What does Joshua Jopp do with Lucetta’s letters?

15. What does the caged goldfinch symbolize?

16. What does the skimmity-ride represent?

17. What motif is prevalent throughout the novel?

18. What does the collision of the wagons foreshadow?

19. How does Hardy emphasize the novel’s tragic tone?

20. What does Henchard’s will reveal about his final state of mind?

Previous Quiz : In Praise of Chimney Sweepers Quiz : 15 MCQs

Girdhari Lal

Girdhari Lal , एक dedicated अंग्रेजी विषय के वरिष्ठ अध्यापक और के संस्थापक हैं। 1.5 वर्षों के ब्लॉगिंग अनुभव के साथ, वे अंग्रेजी व्याकरण, साहित्य, भाषा और शिक्षा से जुड़ी अद्भुत जानकारी अपने ब्लॉग पर publish करते हैं। उनके ब्लॉग पर English Grammar, Literature और शैक्षिक अपडेट मिलती रहती हैं।

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