R. K. Narayan’s The Vendor of Sweets : 20 Questions with Answers

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Jagan’s Values and Beliefs (The Vendor of Sweets):

1. Jagan’s adherence to Gandhian principles is most evident in:

a) his diet

b) his rigid routines

c) his pursuit of self-sufficiency

d) his dedication to social justice

Answer: d) Jagan’s pursuit of social justice, like Gandhi, is shown through his fair pricing and concern for the underprivileged.

2. The Bhagavad Gita’s influence on Jagan is seen in his:

a) entrepreneurial spirit

b) focus on physical fitness

c) emphasis on ethical conduct

d) desire for material wealth

Answer: c) The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes righteous action and moral principles, which aligns with Jagan’s constant preaching of ethics.

3. Jagan’s naturopathic beliefs:

a) directly contradict his religious values

b) are met with skepticism by his family

c) are central to his sense of self-worth

d) lead him to exploit others for financial gain

Answer: b) Jagan’s family questions his unconventional remedies, creating tension and highlighting the clash between tradition and modern ideas.

Jagan’s Internal Conflicts (The Vendor of Sweets):

4. A major internal struggle for Jagan is:

a) balancing his business with his spiritual pursuits

b) reconciling his idealism with the realities of life

c) accepting the changing social landscape around him

d) overcoming physical limitations in his later years

Answer: b) Jagan’s desire to live a pure life conflicts with the temptations and compromises presented by everyday life.

5. Jagan’s dream of publishing a book suggests:

a) his desire for self-promotion

b) a genuine wish to share his knowledge

c) a need for financial security

d) a yearning for intellectual recognition

Answer: b) Jagan’s motivation is likely the genuine desire to share his naturopathic wisdom and help others improve their lives.

Mali’s Ambition and Vision (The Vendor of Sweets):

6. Mali’s true motivation for the story-writing machine seems to be:

a) a genuine desire to boost Indian literature

b) a yearning for personal fame and fortune

c) a rebellion against his father’s traditional values

d) a combination of the above

Answer: d) While Mali may genuinely believe in his idea, his personal aspirations and desire to break free from Jagan’s influence also play a significant role.

7. Mali’s reaction to Jagan’s offer of the shop suggests:

a) a newfound appreciation for his father’s legacy

b) a deeper understanding of the realities of running a business

c) a stubborn refusal to compromise his grand vision

d) a fear of failure in a more traditional venture

Answer: c) Mali’s dismissive response highlights his pride and unwillingness to deviate from his ambitious plan.

8. The conflict between Mali and Jagan reflects:

a) a generational clash between modern and traditional ideals

b) a misunderstanding of each other’s motivations and values

c) a lack of communication and trust between father and son

d) all of the above

Answer: d) The conflict encompasses all these elements, creating a complex and nuanced dynamic between the characters.

Mali’s Miscalculation and its Potential Consequences (The Vendor of Sweets):

9. Mali’s assumption about Jagan’s hidden wealth is likely:

a) completely accurate

b) only partially correct

c) entirely based on misinterpretation

d) impossible to determine

Answer: b) Jagan may hide some money, but the exact amount and whether it’s enough for Mali’s scheme remain unclear.

10. Mali’s rejection of the sweets shop could lead to:

a) financial hardship and dependence on others

b) a forced re-evaluation of his priorities and goals

c) deeper resentment and estrangement from Jagan

d) all of the above

Answer: d) Mali’s decision will likely have multi-faceted consequences, testing his resilience and forcing him to confront various realities.

The Cousin’s Role and Importance (The Vendor of Sweets):

11. The Cousin’s primary function in the novel is to:

a) provide comic relief

b) act as a moral compass for Jagan

c) bridge the communication gap between Jagan and Mali

d) all of the above

Answer: d) While the Cousin offers humor and occasional moral guidance, his central role is facilitating communication and understanding between Jagan and Mali.

12. The Cousin’s practical approach contrasts with Jagan’s tendency towards:

a) impulsive decision-making

b) emotional outbursts

c) philosophical introspection

d) a combination of the above

Answer: c) Jagan’s pondering and ruminating on seemingly unsolvable dilemmas are frequently challenged by the Cousin’s down-to-earth solutions.

13. The Cousin’s role becomes even more crucial when:

a) Jagan faces financial difficulties

b) Mali embarks on his journey to America

c) Jagan struggles with his health

d) all of the above

Answer: d) As Jagan encounters various challenges, the Cousin’s practical advice and ability to bridge communication gaps become increasingly important.

The Cousin’s Influence on Jagan (The Vendor of Sweets):

14. To what extent does the Cousin actually change Jagan’s outlook?

a) He completely transforms Jagan’s way of thinking.

b) He influences Jagan to adopt a more pragmatic approach.

c) He merely provides temporary relief from Jagan’s anxieties.

d) He has no real impact on Jagan’s fundamental beliefs.

Answer: b) The Cousin subtly nudges Jagan towards pragmatism and action, but Jagan’s core values and beliefs remain largely intact.

15. The Cousin’s relationship with Jagan suggests:

a) the limitations of pure pragmatism

b) the importance of finding balance between idealism and practicality

c) the need for external intervention to resolve internal conflicts

d) all of the above

Answer: d) The dynamic between Jagan and the Cousin highlights the multifaceted nature of human needs and the potential benefits of embracing diverse perspectives.

Grace’s Identity and Background (The Vendor of Sweets):

16. Grace’s dual heritage (Korean and American) symbolizes:

a) the clash between tradition and modernity

b) the search for belonging in a multicultural world

c) the consequences of war and displacement

d) all of the above

Answer: d) Grace’s background embodies all of these elements, highlighting the themes of cultural collision, personal identity, and the lasting impact of historical events.

17. Grace’s decision to study domestic science, despite Mali’s focus on creative writing, suggests:

a) a practical approach to life

b) a yearning for traditional roles

c) a potential conflict with Mali’s ambitions

d) a hidden talent for writing herself

Answer: c) Grace’s choice represents a potential clash in priorities and aspirations between her and Mali, foreshadowing future tensions within their relationship.

Grace’s Role in Mali’s Story-Writing Machine Scheme (The Vendor of Sweets):

18. Grace’s involvement with the story-writing machine reveals:

a) her unwavering support for Mali’s dreams

b) her own entrepreneurial spirit and ambition

c) a pragmatic understanding of financial realities

d) a combination of the above

Answer: d) Grace’s multifaceted role showcases her loyalty, ambition, and practical sense, hinting at her complex motivations and potential impact on the scheme.

Grace’s Impact on Jagan (The Vendor of Sweets):

19. The revelation that Grace and Mali are not married contributes to Jagan’s detachment because:

a) it challenges his traditional values b) it reinforces his distrust of Mali

c) it raises concerns about Grace’s true intentions

d) all of the above

Answer: d) The discovery throws Jagan’s existing anxieties about family, morality, and Mali’s choices into overdrive, exacerbating his isolation and philosophical dilemmas.

20. Despite the initial tension, Grace eventually forms a connection with Jagan. Their relationship suggests:

a) the possibility of intergenerational understanding

b) the power of empathy and shared experiences

c) the ability to find solace in unexpected connections

d) all of the above

Answer: d) Jagan and Grace’s bond transcends initial conflicts, demonstrating the possibility of overcoming differences and finding support in unexpected places.

HERE IS A DETAILED POST ON The Vendor of Sweets : Summary & Main Characters

Meet Girdhari Lal, a dedicated Senior Teacher in English, shaping young minds at a Government school. With a passion for English Grammar, Literature, language nuances, and a commitment to education, he is the guiding force behind www.gyankundli.com.Girdhari Lal's blog is a rich blend of language insights, literary exploration, quizzes, and timely educational updates. His writing style effortlessly combines depth with accessibility, creating a delightful learning experience for English enthusiasts.Explore the language and education with Girdhari Lal on www.gyankundli.com

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